The Algoma Branch, chartered in 1963, is affiliated with a provincial network of 32 other branches across Ontario. CMHA Algoma works closely with various community agencies including but not limited to hospitals, police services, schools, mental health, and addiction agencies. Through its collaborative approach to education and services, the branch is far-reaching, and its programs […]Continue readingCanadian Mental Health Association
Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Business Achievement Awards 2024
It was a celebration of innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurship, as the Sault Ste. Marie Chamber of Commerce (SSMCOC) handed out its Outstanding Business Achievement Awards on Thursday evening at the Sault Community Theatre Centre. Sault Ste. Marie Chamber of Commerce CEO, Rory Ring, explains that “for the Chamber, a ‘Difference Maker’ is a Chamber member, […]Continue readingChamber of Commerce Outstanding Business Achievement Awards 2024
CMHA recognizes International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia
This May 17, CMHA Algoma joins individuals and organizations worldwide to recognize International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOTB). The 2SLGBTQIA+ community faces a range of mental health challenges due to societal stigma, discrimination, and lack of acceptance. These challenges can include higher rates of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation compared to […]Continue readingCMHA recognizes International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia
L’ACSM souligne la Journée internationale contre l’homophobie, la transphobie et la biphobie
Le 17 mai, l’ACSM Algoma se joint aux personnes et aux organisations du monde entier pour souligner la Journée internationale contre l’homophobie, la transphobie et la biphobie (IDAHOTB). La communauté 2ELGBTQI+ est confrontée à toute une série de problèmes de santé mentale en raison de la stigmatisation sociale, de la discrimination et du manque d’acceptation. […]Continue readingL’ACSM souligne la Journée internationale contre l’homophobie, la transphobie et la biphobie
Football Ontario, CMHA Ontario enter three-year partnership on Talk Today program
(Hamilton, May 16, 2024) – Football Ontario and Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ontario Division have agreed to a three-year partnership that will bring mental health awareness to minor football locker rooms across the province. As part of CMHA Ontario’s industry-leading sports mental health program Talk Today, Football Ontario members will receive mental health education […]Continue readingFootball Ontario, CMHA Ontario enter three-year partnership on Talk Today program
Mental Health Week 2024 | Semaine de la santé mentale 2024
English Français Pre MHW Avant la SSM This year’s #MentalHealthWeek from May 6 to 12 is all about the healing power of compassion. Download our toolkit and find out how #CompassionConnects at Cette année, la #SemaineDeLaSantéMentale, qui a lieu du 6 au 12 mai, a pour thème le pouvoir d’apaisement de la compassion. […]Continue readingMental Health Week 2024 | Semaine de la santé mentale 2024
Rejoignez l’ACSM Algoma pour célébrer la journée de la robe rouge le 5 mai.
Avertissement sur le contenu : Ce message fait référence à la violence coloniale et sexiste. L’ACSM reconnaît le 5 mAlgomaai comme la Journée nationale de sensibilisation aux femmes, aux filles et aux personnes bispirituelles autochtones disparues et assassinées (MMIWG2S), également connue sous le nom de Journée de la robe rouge. Cette journée est l’occasion d’honorer […]Continue readingRejoignez l’ACSM Algoma pour célébrer la journée de la robe rouge le 5 mai.
oin CMHA Algoma as we observe Red Dress Day on May 5th
Content warning: This message refers to colonial and gender-based violence. CMHA Algoma recognizes May 5 as the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S), also known as Red Dress Day. Today is a day to honour and remember the Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit people who have […]Continue readingoin CMHA Algoma as we observe Red Dress Day on May 5th
Mental Health Week May 6-12, 2024
Big and small, public and private, unionized and not: workplaces everywhere are taking mental health in hand. Download the Takeaways Toolkit to help you take the next steps in making your workplace psychologically safe. #WorkplaceMentalHealth #StandardCda CMHA-MHCC-Toolkit-Introduction_EN.pdfContinue readingMental Health Week May 6-12, 2024
Summer Job Fest
Join us at Sault College for the Summer Job Fest! Whether you’re a returning student, recent graduate, or a community job seeker, this is your perfect chance to meet employers ready to hire for the summer season and beyond. 🗓 Date: May 8th, 2024 ⏰ Time: 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM 📍 Location: Common Link, Sault College Campus […]Continue readingSummer Job Fest