Juin est le Mois des aînés en Ontario. Le thème de 2024 est Au service des aînés. L’ACSM Algoma reconnaît et célèbre le travail acharné que les personnes aînés ont accompli tout au long de leur vie pour faire de l’Ontario un endroit où il fait bon vivre. Malheureusement, de nombreuses personnes aînés souffrent de dépression. On estime qu’en Ontario, 289 […]Continue readingL’ACSM célèbre le Mois des aînés.
CMHA celebrates Seniors Month
June is Seniors Month in Ontario and this year’s theme is Working for Seniors. CMHA Algoma is recognizing and celebrating the hard work seniors have done all their lives to make Ontario a wonderful place to live. Unfortunately, many seniors experience significant depression. It is estimated that in Ontario, 289,000 to 680,000 of adults over the […]Continue readingCMHA celebrates Seniors Month
Celebrate Pride during June
CMHA Algoma is joined by individuals and organizations worldwide to celebrate the history, courage and diversity of Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioningintersex and asexual (2SLGBTQIA+) individuals for Pride Month in June. While Pride festivals across the province recognize Ontario’s 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, it’s important to recognize that these individuals continue to face specific […]Continue readingCelebrate Pride during June
Celebrate Pride during June
L’ACSM Algoma se joint aux personnes et aux organismes du monde entier pour célébrer l’histoire, le courage et la diversité des personnes bispirituelles, lesbiennes, gaies, bisexuelles, transgenres, queer ou en questionnement, intersexuées et asexuées (“2ELGBTQI+”) à l’occasion du Mois de la fierté, en juin. Alors que les festivals de la Fierté à travers la province reconnaissent […]Continue readingCelebrate Pride during June
L’ACSM souligne la Journée mondiale de sensibilisation à la schizophrénie
L’ACSM Algoma reconnaît le 24 mai comme la Journée de sensibilisation à la psychose précoce et à la schizophrénie. L’ACSM Algoma reconnaît le 24 mai comme la Journée de sensibilisation à la psychose précoce et à la schizophrénie, qui vise à aider les personnes atteintes de psychose précoce et de schizophrénie à atteindre leur plein […]Continue readingL’ACSM souligne la Journée mondiale de sensibilisation à la schizophrénie
CMHA recognizes World Schizophrenia Awareness Day
CMHA Algoma recognizes May 24th as Early Psychosis and Schizophrenia Awareness Day dedicated to supporting individuals living with early psychosis and schizophrenia to reach their full potential. Schizophrenia affects approximately 20 million people around the world. Often, individuals experiencing psychosis, disorientation or hallucination can achieve remission with treatment or find ways of living in harmony […]Continue readingCMHA recognizes World Schizophrenia Awareness Day
Community Wellness Bus
A pilot project that converted an ambulance on a shoestring budget to bring primary health care and harm reduction to some of the Sault’s most vulnerable has been in operation since April 2021. The idea began during one of the most challenging parts of the COVD-19 pandemic. Vulnerable people, many without homes, many with mental […]Continue readingCommunity Wellness Bus
Canadian Mental Health Association
The Algoma Branch, chartered in 1963, is affiliated with a provincial network of 32 other branches across Ontario. CMHA Algoma works closely with various community agencies including but not limited to hospitals, police services, schools, mental health, and addiction agencies. Through its collaborative approach to education and services, the branch is far-reaching, and its programs […]Continue readingCanadian Mental Health Association
Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Business Achievement Awards 2024
It was a celebration of innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurship, as the Sault Ste. Marie Chamber of Commerce (SSMCOC) handed out its Outstanding Business Achievement Awards on Thursday evening at the Sault Community Theatre Centre. Sault Ste. Marie Chamber of Commerce CEO, Rory Ring, explains that “for the Chamber, a ‘Difference Maker’ is a Chamber member, […]Continue readingChamber of Commerce Outstanding Business Achievement Awards 2024
CMHA recognizes International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia
This May 17, CMHA Algoma joins individuals and organizations worldwide to recognize International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOTB). The 2SLGBTQIA+ community faces a range of mental health challenges due to societal stigma, discrimination, and lack of acceptance. These challenges can include higher rates of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation compared to […]Continue readingCMHA recognizes International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia