Our Belief
Anyone can make a complaint. CMHA would like to assist individuals in becoming aware of the importance of processing good conflict resolution skills. This process helps identify ways to approach, defuse and ultimately resolve a conflict.
Benefits of a Complaint System
- Serves as a quick, efficient and low-cost means of resolving difficulties which service users may encounter
- Provides accurate information for the administrators on the quality of services they provide
- Enables changes to be made in procedures and systems
- Indicates where problems or system failures exist within the services
Confidentiality is critical to ethical practice and creating a safe environment for clients. All staff, students, and volunteers have the duty to keep confidential information, which has been acquired in circumstances where confidentiality was understood. Breach of confidentiality occurs when information is voluntarily used in an unauthorized manner. Clients must be informed at the onset of their involvement with the agency how confidentiality is practiced and how their personal health information is collected, used and disclosed. Client records, paper files or within the electronic database, are accessible to all staff on an “as needed basis” and to management for purposes of conducting program business and when a staff member has the obligation to report an incident involving a serious nature (ex. safety).
How to Begin
1. Discuss your concern/complaint with the staff person directly and determine if your concern can be resolved.
2. If your complaint remains unresolved, submit your concern in a written format to the staff person. If required, there will be a complaint form that can be created for you. Help can be provided. Staff must respond to your complaint in writing within 5 working days.
3. If your complaint remains unresolved, submit your concern in a written format to the director of the program with which you have the complaint.
4. If your complaint still remains unresolved, the next step is to forward your written complaint to the executive director who will arrange to meet with you in person.
5. Any possible serious conflict of interest on the part of a staff member shall be disclosed to the Executive Director, who will then discuss the situation with the staff and determine if there is a conflict. The discussion will be documented and filed in the employee’s personnel file.
What to Include
1. The name, address and contact telephone number of the person making the complaint.
2. The details/description of the complaint
3. Where applicable, details of any location associated with the complaint and the individual section or department of the local authority concerned.
4. The date of the incident.
Contacts for Complaint Resolution
Pamela J. Lefave, Director of Services – ext. 224
Annette Katajamaki, Chief Executive Officer – ext. 223
CMHA Algoma Branch
386 Queen Street East
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 1Z1
Tel: 705-759-0458
Fax: 705-945-0261
Complaint Form and Brochure
Download the Client Complaint Form Outline and/or Brochure for additional assistance.